

June 27, 2014

Precious Baby Girl

Many of you know by now that we are expecting our third daughter this Fall. October 31st is my due date and I am 22 weeks today. I feel awful that I have not blogged about her before now, but it's definitely not because we are not excited. We are completely over the moon and full of joy & gratefulness! 

Most of you know what we've been through this past year, but I have to say that from the very beginning, everything with this pregnancy has been different. Even though we did not share our news immediately, I knew that it was completely God's timing and that everything was going to be okay. I was truly "Believing God" and had a sense of calm and peacefulness that I did not have with the two previous pregnancies. The few times that I allowed satan to creep in with doubt, I prayed Psalm 112:7 over and over again. It has become my favorite verse and says, "They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord." 

When we finally shared our news, it was Mother's Day and I was 15 weeks and 2 days along. We told our family and a few friends and I thought they would want to kill me. Everyone was so happy though and completely understood.  It was nice finally being able to share our excitement and even better that I no longer had to suck in my was getting really hard and even Ashton was starting to ask questions. We had shared the news with Kaylyn on Easter, but didn't want Ashton to tell our secret. It was really cute because she had been to every single ultrasound (and I've had lots), but we would tell her that mommy had chicken nuggets or goldfish in her tummy. When we finally told her, it took a few days for her to realize that there really was a baby and not just goldfish. 

A few weeks after most people found out, it was time to find out what we were having...boy or girl??? Trey and I originally said we weren't going to find out, but the closer we got to our appointment, I just had to know! Luckily Trey was okay with it. On May 30th, we found out that we were going to have another precious baby girl and let me tell you, the thought of three girls absolutely melted my heart! There was definitely no disappointment here and the fact that I knew she would be named after my Granny, Mary Lou who absolutely meant the world to me was the icing on the cake (even before we knew she was a girl, I would get teary eyed at the thought of being able to name a daughter after my Granny).

Delaney Lou Dirks, you have already stolen our hearts! You were wanted and prayed for by so many people, but probably none more than your mommy. These last few months have been so special and I thank God every night for allowing me to carry you. Feeling your flutters and now kicks are so amazing and a great reminder of what has been knit together inside of me. Hearing people talk about you, call you by your name, your daddy rubbing my tummy, Kaylyn being excited and even Ashton giving you "kisses" makes my heart so happy. I cannot wait to see your sweet face for the very first time and for you to meet the best daddy and two big sisters in the world! You are already so loved. 

Sweet Delaney

April 16, 2014 - 11 Weeks 5 Days

May 5, 2014 - 14 Weeks 3 Days
Look at those legs...

My sweet friend Sarah made these for us so that we could give them to our parents on Mother's Day when we told them.

May 15, 2014 - 15 Weeks 6 Days
Trey and I were in Kiawah Island, SC for one of his business trips.

May 30, 2014 - 18 Weeks

She may kill me for this one day, but, "It's A Girl!"

Those legs again...

And look at these sweet hands!

6/13/14 - 20 Weeks

Me & Granny - Mary Lou Richter

The one Delaney is named after and the BEST there ever will be.

Even though she is not here to see what I've become, to meet my husband or to see my daughters (they would be so spoiled), I know she is in heaven watching down on us. I miss her every single day and I can only pray that I've made her proud! My Granny's memory will always carry on through Delaney Lou and I cherish that more than anything.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful post! Delaney is a very lucky girl! We are so very excited to meet her!


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