

June 18, 2014

Fun in St. Pete!

I'm getting closer to being caught up...hang in there...

Two weeks ago, the girls and I headed to St. Pete with Trey. He had to work, but we were able to have lots of fun.

Ikea and Pottery Barn Kids were our first stops, but on day two we went to one of the girls favorite places, Airheads. It's an inside trampoline park and they both love it! Rumor is that we are getting one in Tallahassee, but I guess we will have to wait and see. It will be called Sky Zone. 

There were a ton of kids there the day we went, but you will notice some netting in the pictures. The staff is able to block off a certain portion that is just for smaller jumpers...and their YaYa's :)



Wednesday included a trip to spend the day at the Don CeSar. Trey's good friend works there and graciously got the girls and I in for the day. The pool was great and the staff was amazing! I definitely want to go back and stay there some day. We had so much fun!

The girls even got to participate in a scavenger hunt and won. The prize was ice cream and they were really excited.

Once Trey got off of work on Wednesday, we headed to one of my favorite places to eat, Moon Under Water. It was a perfect afternoon to sit outside and enjoy a good meal. 

While we were eating, the horse carriage arrived. We told the girls that once we were finished, we would go for a ride. Wouldn't you know, as soon as we were leaving another couple got in the carriage. The girls were so disappointed that we drove around until we found them headed back to the spot where you get on. We parked the car and ran to take a turn. The girls had never been on a carriage ride, so they were really excited and had a wonderful time!

Our last day to do stuff before heading home included a trip to the Great Explorations Children's Museum. My friend Lindsay gave us passes and we really enjoyed it.

There was a cow that the girls got to "milk". Ashton really enjoyed it and I think ended up playing in the "milk" (it was only water) before we left. Silly girl!

The "Sand"...which is my idea of the perfect sand. It's rubber.

Publix Shopping Center

Kaylyn had fun working in the bakery and serving customers.

Ashton had a blast being a cashier.

The Vet

Kaylyn loves animals, but Ashton, not so much.

Stuffed is okay though...

Kaylyn measuring her dog.

St. Pete Fire & Rescue

The cutest news anchor ever!

Sweet girl and her hula hoop!

Upstairs they had more awesome things to do and play with. One of the favorites was the Baby Nursery.

Kaylyn is so good with babies and I cannot wait for her to be a big sister again.

Ashton loved checking out the babies too. She had to make sure they were healthy.

How tall are you???

(Notice Ashton still holding her baby. She is going to be such a sweet big sister. It makes my heart so happy just thinking about it.)

Downstairs was another really cool attraction called the Touch Tunnel. It was a dark tunnel that you crawled through using only your hands to guide you to the end. Ashton went with Kaylyn the first time only because Kaylyn agreed to use a light from a phone, but wouldn't go back in a second time for anything in the world. Kaylyn on the other hand loved it and continued to go through until they closed the doors (they only open it for 30 minutes at different times throughout the day).

Waiting in line Ashton was excited. I don't think she knew exactly what she was getting into though...

Kaylyn's last time.

While we were down this time, we also got to meet up with our good friends Casey and Stacy for dinner one night and our other friends Andrew and Lindsay and sweet baby Max a different night. Even though Trey had to work, the girls and I enjoyed going on this trip so much. St. Pete and our friends who are there make it one of our favorite places!  

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