

June 16, 2014

2nd Annual Memorial Day Camping Trip - Georgia Veterans State Park

This year we headed to the Georgia Veterans State Park for our 2nd annual camping trip with friends.

It was much warmer this year than last, but we were also further south than Stone Mountain was. I don't have many pictures to document our weekend (this pregnant mama was too busy fanning herself to stay cool and keep the gnats away so I borrowed some pictures from friends), but it doesn't mean there weren't memories made. There was fun swimming in the lake, some canoeing/kayaking and tons of great times around the campsites.

The Dasher/Mahan Site

Friday afternoon included the adults having a great time singing/rapping along to some good songs from the past. Maybe I shouldn't say the adults, but the ladies. We had fun and the kids didn't know what to think!

The Vernon/Mckee site was where all the meals took place. There was lots of time spent here...

Grant, Daniel, Taylor, Chloe and Harper

On Saturday, we spent the day at the lake swimming and having fun.

Ginger, Mary Rose and Lucy

Thank goodness Trey brought the tent! It was the only shade around and all of the adults squeezed under.

We shared our campsite with the Hallas' again this year and had quite the laugh on Sunday morning when John decided to dress up to deliver the bagels across the way. We died laughing waiting to see the looks on the faces of Kristin, Stephanie and Amy when they saw him. 

The whole outfit...flip flops and socks and all...

Trey having fun with the scooters.

Our group pretty much took over one big loop at the campsite. It was nice because the kids were able to ride their bikes and scooters and run around without much traffic.

My sweet little sleepy head.

Last year Katie was around 18 weeks pregnant with this little man. We were so glad that they were able to bring him to join in the fun this year.

Katie & Evan

Our safari guide hiding from all of the crazy animals!

Sweet girls...

Harper, Laney, Savannah and Ashton

A few families took a short canoe/kayak trip on Sunday. It was really warm, but I was so glad that we did it. It was Ashton's first time and she had a blast. There were a few others that also went, but they had to get their kayaks from a different place and we never crossed paths.

The Blay's, Hallas' and Dirks

The Watson's

The Dasher's

We ended our trip a little short this year due to the heat and a chance of showers, but I am so glad that we have continued on the tradition from last year. I will forever look forward to these trips with all of our friends and the memories that we will continue to make!

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