

April 26, 2015

Delaney Lou - 6 Months Old

Our precious baby girl turned six months old last Friday. It's been a month filled with lots of new things and tons of excitement!

April 17, 2015 - 6 Months Old 

All About You Delaney Lou...

You had your 6 month doctor appointment on Monday, April 20th and you weighed 15 pounds 9 ounces and were 26 inches long. You are still in the 45% for your weight and you are in the 55% for your height.
You're in size 3 diapers.
You can still wear some 3 month clothes, but for the most part you are wearing 6 month stuff.
I think your eyes may be hazel like your PawPaw's and your hair looks darker when we're inside and strawberry blonde in the sun, but I'm not positive so who knows?!? You're definitely getting more hair though!
You can sit up on your own for the most part (sometimes you're a little wobbly) and get better and better at it each day.
You still love to "talk" and squeal and it's super cute.
You don't nap very well...or at least not for me. Your YaYa on the other hand is really, really good at rocking you to sleep. It's the sweetest thing!
You're no longer being swaddled at night and you're getting better at sleeping. For the most part, you've only been getting up once, but sometimes it's still twice.
You've had your first beach trip, celebrated your daddy's birthday for the first time and also celebrated Easter for the first time.
You've already started eating baby food and you LOVE it! I knew you would and started giving it to you right before you turned 6 months old. The first night you had it (4/6/15), you were so excited and kept trying to grab the spoon out of my hand. So far, you've had rice cereal, sweet potatoes, squash, pears and apples.
You are teething and I can actually already feel and see your first tooth coming through.
You've started reaching for me when someone else is holding you and you want to come back to me and it melts my heart every time.
Even though I'm your favorite, you adore your daddy & your sisters and your eyes light up when you see them.

Pictures from Delaney's Sixth Month

Delaney and her sissy.
(I think you're going to out grow Ashton sooner rather than later. You weighed 15.9 at 6 months and she weighed 15.5 when she turned 1.)

Chewing on your finger and sucking on your toe all at the same time...

April 3, 2015

I LOVE this picture! It may be my favorite one yet!!!

April 6, 2015

Eating rice cereal for the first time.

You were so excited and loved it!

At YaYa's Junior Beta Club induction.

With your Uncle Lucas.


April 8, 2015

Eating sweet potatoes for the first time.

Oh how I love your little rolls...

And that smile!

Being a baby is a rough job. You were so mad because I was blow drying my hair that you finally passed out.

Another one of your favorite things to do is stick out your tongue.

There's nothing cuter than a monogrammed baby bottom!

Napping with your YaYa and she loves it.

Oh sweet girl, if you only knew how much I love you! I cannot remember life without you in it and I thank God for YOU all of the time. When I think back on all of the months before getting pregnant with you and all of the heartache, you make it all worth while. God's plan was for YOU to be our daughter and it was the PERFECT plan indeed!

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