

December 23, 2014

Delaney Lou - Two Months Old

Delaney turned two months old on December 17th. It was a crazy day that started with her having surgery because she was lip tied. Dr. Gilleon with Tallahassee ENT had previously performed a frenulectomy (clipped her tongue) when she was 3 days old due to being tongue tied, but the procedure for her lip had to be done while she was asleep. She was such a trooper and did great. Even with no eating prior to, she was sweet and smiled for all of the nurses before the surgery started.
(On a side note mamas, always trust your gut. I knew in mine that something wasn't quite right and I was absolutely correct...something was wrong. Two days after I realized Delaney was lip tied, I was able to meet with a lactation consultant who agreed with me and explained possible complications. The next week I was able to get back in with Dr. Gilleon to confirm and a week after that Delaney had surgery to correct it. Mamas always know when it comes to their little ones.)

Since our day was crazy, we took her two month photos the following day.

Delaney Lou - 2 Months 1 Day 

All About You Delaney Lou...

I jokingly said tonight when you stopped crying as soon as you heard my voice that all I had to write for this post was that you love your mommy,  you love your mommy and you love your mommy. I guess I'll write a few other things too though.

You have not been for your two month checkup (it's on the 30th), but on the day of your surgery, you weighed 10 pounds 10.5 ounces with a onesie and a diaper on. *UPDATE* - you weighed 11 pounds 2 ounces and were 23 inches long at your 2 month checkup on December 30th. You are in the 50% for weight and 70% for height. Woohoo!
You are still wearing newborn diapers.
You still wear newborn clothes with the exception of some 0-3 month things that run really small.
You have little fat rolls and it makes me so happy! I love to pinch them.
Your eyes are still blue.
You eat every 2-4 hours during the day and at night have been sleeping on average 7-8 hour stretches.
You have to be swaddled to sleep at night and only like to sleep on me during the day...even if I try to swaddle you.
You had your first little cold which got you out of sleeping in the bed with me and into the rock-n-play so that you were inclined.
You love to smile and you do it constantly.
You are beginning to find your voice and are so sweet trying to "talk" to us.
Your coos and sighs are the cutest and I LOVE them!
When you're mad or excited, your legs really start moving. You love to kick.
You smile at yourself in the mirror.
You love to stretch out as far as you can when I unwrap you from your swaddle and it is super cute!
You have a really strong neck and can sit on our laps for a while before your head starts to bob around.
You blow bubbles.
You love your sisters and get excited to see them and hear them talk.
While you are the sweetest little thing there is, when you're mad, YOU'RE MAD!
You do this funny thing sometimes when you are on your changing pad where you rock your head and body back and forth really fast. We like to say that you're rockin' and rollin'.
You've had your 1st trip to Wild Adventures.

Delaney Lou, we have enjoyed watching you grow during this second month and we cannot wait to see what your third month brings. You continue to bring so much joy into our lives and we love you to pieces!

Pictures From Delaney's Second Month

Her favorite place to be...

Delaney's 1st Thanksgiving.

She decided to sleep in her swing during lunch.

Love that smile!

Delaney and Red


Delaney and Aunt Darla

Snug as a bug in a rug.

Delaney and Santa


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