

August 28, 2014

First Days of School - 2014

Last week, both girls started new schools for the very first time. Kaylyn started 6th grade at Deerlake Middle School on Monday and Ashton started VPK at Wildwood Preschool (our church) on Tuesday.

For weeks I had been so emotional leading up to these days and I will blame some of it on being pregnant and hormonal...the rest of the time it was just me being upset about my babies getting older. Trey and the girls laughed at me and there were even times when I would cry hysterically and laugh at the same time because I knew it was ridiculous.

The weekend prior to school starting, I could tell that Ashton was getting a little anxious, so I did my very best and kept it together. When Monday morning rolled around and Kaylyn was ready to start 6th grade, I held all of the tears back and put a BIG smile on my face. It was so hard to drop her off at school that morning, but I knew she was excited and would do great!

Though You Are Grown

I remember years ago,
you were so little then.
I can't help but wish,
that you were small again.
I've cried when you've faced heartaches,
and saw that as you grew,
nothing broke your Spirit,
instead it strengthened you.
I'm filled with mixed emotions,
as I hold back all the tears
and with much pride remember,
back so many years.
When I first held you in my arms,
if only I'd have known,
the years would feel like moments,
after you had grown.
You aren't a baby,
though in my eyes,
I guess you'll always be,
the baby girl who changed my life,
and means the world to me.


First Day of 6th Grade - August 18, 2014

Ashton and I picked Kaylyn up that afternoon and you could tell she had a good day. She talked my ear off about everything and I loved it! She had a great first week and is doing well this week too. We look forward to this year at DMS and all of the memories that it will bring. 
Go Bucks!

The next day, our sweet little Ashton started school for the very first time. This little peanut has been with me almost everyday for the last 4 years and to say that it was hard is definitely an understatement. The time that I've had with her is something that I will cherish forever and that first morning dropping her off, I was a basket case. She on the other hand did great! She walked in her room like a big girl, put her stuff where it belonged and then told me "bye mom" before we left. And once I got to the car, I definitely had a that included many, many tears.

First Day of VPK - August 19, 2014
(THANK YOU to my sweet friend Sarah for making Ashton's adorable dress)

It was a crazy morning, but we had to get a picture outside of her new school!

Mrs. Susan and Ashton

Oh this sweet little thing...

A Mother's 1st Day of School Prayer

I wonder what you're doing now,
And if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person,
A nice friend that you can find.

I wonder if the teacher knows
Just how special you are to me.
And if the brightness of your heart
Is something she can see.

I wonder if you are thinking about me,
And if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice
And how you give my leg a tug.

I wonder if you could possibly understand
How hard it is for me to let you grow
On this day know that my heart breaks
For this is the first step in letting you go.


When I picked Ashton up from school, it was so nice to hear her little voice in the back of the car. It's the one thing I cried about the most when thinking of her starting school...missing that sweet voice in the backseat with me everywhere I went. She had a wonderful first day and even met some new friends. And she loves Mrs. Susan! We couldn't have had a better week and this week has been no different. I think our time at Wildwood is going to be great! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the new school year got off to a good start for both of my wonderful granddaughters and for you. The pictures are great. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at sweet Ashton's 4th birthday party Saturday. Hugs and kisses to my sweet girls and love to all. MeeMee


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