

October 29, 2015

Delaney Lou - You're One!!!

Our sweet Delaney Lou turned one on the 17th. This past year went by way too fast, but watching our sweet girl grow has been wonderful!!!

October 17, 2015 - One Year Old

All About You Delaney Lou...

I'm not sure exactly how much you weigh, but I'm guessing it's right around 18 pounds.
You're still in size 3 diapers and in the same size clothes (some 6 and some 9 month), but if it's cool outside and you need pants, you definitely need 12 months for the length.
You're getting more hair and it is curly and turning a strawberry blonde color. In the sun, it looks really red.
You can walk!!! You prefer to crawl, but you can definitely walk. You'd been taking steps here and there, but you started taking many more steps on October 9th.

You can say "this" and maybe one day soon you will say mama. You're such a stinker though and every time that I say mama, you say dada.
You can sign "more" and "please" and possibly "thank you"...or maybe you're just blowing a kiss.
One of your favorite things to do is to climb on the fireplace.

You're slowly getting used to a sippy cup and you tried whole milk for the first time on September 23rd. You spit it out though.
You love to watch your sisters outside in the mornings while you eat your breakfast.
You enjoy going on walks around the neighborhood.
You know how to climb off of the couch all by yourself.
You give the BEST kisses!!!
You are so funny and love to sit in your basket of toys while playing.
You're really good at pointing and grunting to get what you want.
You continue to sleep great through the night, but refuse to nap in your bed during the day.

Pictures From Delaney's Twelfth Month

Her favorite thing to do at Boppa and Grandma's house is to play with Boppa's Cd's.

We got to visit with Great Grandma Lottie who will be 99 years young in February...

She loves her girls and they love her too!

Trying to drink like a big girl at Jonah's.

On Sunday nights, Trey and I go to small group while the girls stay at the church. Delaney has some wonderful ladies that take care of her and one of our favorites is Miss Brittney. She loves her some Delaney Lou and sent me these pictures of Delaney eating her pizza while we were gone.

Kaylyn loves taking Ashton and Delaney on walks around the neighborhood.

Crazy hair, don't care!

Trying out her sippy cup...

Delaney loves these rings. I put them on and she takes them off.

And she loves sitting on things too...

Or in them...

Sweet sisters. They love each other, but can already drive each other crazy too!

Those lashes!!!


Trying on mama's hat.

Delaney's 1st Birthday picture turned out super cute in the newspaper. I submitted it just like I did with the other girls and expected the same little black and white picture. I'm not sure how we got so lucky, but Delaney's picture ended up being really big and in color. It was a great surprise!

YaYa and Delaney

This was the night before Delaney's birthday. I snuggled her a little tighter and a little longer, for when she woke up, she would be one.

12 Months of Delaney Lou

Delaney Lou, since the minute I first saw you and held you in my arms, I knew you were the missing piece to our family. We went through so much before you were born, but once you were here, we were complete. I have loved every minute of being your mommy and even the sleepless nights are already a distant memory that were all worth while. Your cute little smile and nose scrunch can light up a room and bring an even bigger smile to anyone that is around. Sometimes you leave me shaking my head at your funny ways, but it's those things that make you, you!

"If I could keep you little, I'd keep you close to me. But then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be!"

Delaney Lou, I cannot wait to watch you grow into the person that God created you to be. I love you to pieces!

A year ago, we welcomed a baby of our own.
Nervously and sleepily,
We took her to our home.
A year has gone so quickly,
Yet we have learned so much.
We've felt a love so strongly,
In a baby's gentle touch.
Her laughs and smiles. Her pouts and tears.
Wow! She can get so mad!
But we wouldn't trade a minute,
As a thankful mom and dad.


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