

September 27, 2015

Delaney Lou - 11 Months Old

Delaney Lou turned 11 months old on the 17th and I cannot believe it!?! It feels like just yesterday my dad and I were walking around the neighborhood before I left for the hospital. I'm definitely not ready for my baby to turn one.

September 17, 2015 - 11 Months Old

With the help of Ashton playing peek-a-boo, I was able to get the best pictures this month.

We didn't even attempt the sticker, but with these cute pics it didn't matter...

The sweetest little grin ever!!!

All About You Delaney Lou...

I weighed you on Sept. 4th when we were at the doctor for Ash's 5 year checkup and you weighed 17 pounds 8 ounces with clothes on. You are still in size 3 diapers and are in some 6 and some 9 month clothes.
You LOVE to play peek-a-boo and you're really cute and put your hands over your ears instead of your eyes.
You cruise along all of the furniture and can transfer from one thing to another.
You can walk behind your walker.
You can stand up from a squat position without holding onto anything and you love to stand and clap.
You love to blow kisses and it's the sweetest thing.
It's okay for you to leave the room that I am in on your own, but it is not okay for me to walk out of the room and leave you.
You are still so stubborn and refuse to take naps in your crib during the day. You scream forever or refuse to lay down and then you fall asleep standing up (I have a pic of this below).
You get the biggest kick out of playing on the bed or crawling over pillows and your favorite spot to sit is on top of all of the cushions in the corner of the couch.
You got your 6th tooth on September 15th. It's on top and the one to the right of the middle ones.
We call you the bulldozier sometimes because when you crawl you put your head down and plow forward.
You have the cutest little curly hair and it is still light in color with some red tint to it (I think that's where your temper comes from).
You have the highest pitched squeal and you do it all of the time. Happy, mad, sad...or even just because.
You love to play with your toys.
You crawl all over the house. You have no boundaries.
You are fearless! You can climb up stairs and love to climb on anything & everything.
You still only say dada (or that's the word that I for sure know you are saying), but I think you say dog and duck too.
You love your bath and would rather stand in your tub than sit.
You still love to snort and scrunch up your little nose to smile.
You love food!!! Your favorites are pb&j's, pizza, pasta, soft veggies, chicken nuggets, cheerios, puffs, turkey, cheese, yogurt, fruit, ice cream and prettty much anything that we have and you don't.
You love to wave at people when you are in the shopping cart or your stroller and people love to stop and talk to you. 

Pictures From Delaney's Eleventh Month

Playing with her rainmaker toy.

Oh this little thing! She refused to lay down and fell asleep standing up.

I love this little squat where you can see her little toes...

First pair of shoes and oh so cute!!!

Swinging in the sheets while we were folding them.

Watching YaYa cheer at the Deerlake football game.

One of your favorite toys.

You love to climb in the bumbo and stand.

Napping on daddy while he watches football.

Sunday, September 6th - Wild Adventures

Ferris Wheel

Daddy, Ash, YaYa and her friend Kathleen rode the go karts.



Daddy & Ash

Looking at the meerkats...

Your favorite spot to sit on the couch.

At one of YaYa's games it was raining and you LOVED the umbrella. I didn't know daddy had taken these pics, but I loved them when I saw them.

Playing Peek-A-Boo

You figured out that you could push the ride on ladybug to the couch and then use it to climb up on. You are so brave.

Your sisters make you so HAPPY and you LOVE them so much!!!

Waiting for YaYa to get off of the bus.

You normally hate the grass or the ground, but you finally let me put you down.

Pillows are you favorite thing to play on.

Blowing kisses.

Oh Delaney this month is so hard! I've loved every minute of it, but it means that you are so close to turning one and it breaks my heart just a little. You are a kiss blowing, peek-a-boo playing, funny and precious baby girl. Your grin melts my heart each and every time and I love you so much! If only I could keep you little...but since that is not an option, I will cherish every minute of watching you grow.

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