

July 31, 2015

Delaney Lou - 9 Months Old

Delaney Lou turned nine months old two weeks ago (I'm so behind) and this month has been so exciting! I've made the comment that she has changed more in 7 days than she has in 9 months and boy is that a true statement.

July 17, 2015 - 9 Months Old

It's getting harder and harder to get this little stinker to take a picture in her rocking chair. She'd much rather try to crawl out of it or stand up so I just try to do the best that I can...

The sticker had to go on the back of the chair again this month. I don't think she's ever going to wear it!?!

Trying to grab the camera...

All About You Delaney Lou...

You had your 9 month doctor appointment on Tuesday, July 21st and you weighed 17 pounds 3 ounces and were 27 1/2 inches long. You are in the 40% for your weight and you are in the 50% for your height.
You're still in size 3 diapers and the same size clothes (some 3 month, some 6 month and some 9 month).
You crawled for the first time on July 12th and we were all so excited! YaYa used her phone to get you to do it.
You know how to turn around and climb off of the couch.
You pull up on everything and you think you can stand up without holding onto something, but unfortunately you cannot and you end up on your head...silly girl!
You can transfer from the couch to the coffee table standing up.
You have major attitude already and do not like it when I don't let you get your way.
You have the loudest, highest pitched squeal ever.
You went to the movies and slept through it for the first time on June 18th.
You LOVE to shake  your head "no, no." If you're doing something that you are not supposed to and I tell you "no, no" then you start shaking your head at me. Or if I'm trying to feed you something and you don't want it, you're really good at shaking your head no then. I think you think you're funny.
You love being outside.
You got your 3rd tooth on June 22nd (top center on the left) and your 4th tooth on July 6th (top center on the right).
You're getting more and more hair and it's pretty light.
You LOVE blowing raspberries on my shoulder or my leg.
Your favorite thing for the past few months (I forgot to write about it sooner) has been to chew on a toothbrush that you got at the dentist. People say you're going to have the cleanest teeth around.
You went down your first water slide when we were in Orlando on our family vacation.
You love to peek through the slats on your crib when you wake up in the mornings and it is so cute when I come to get you.
You wave at everyone and even wave backwards sometimes. It's too cute watching you watch your little fingers move.
You like sitting up in your stroller like a big girl.
You do not like being left alone and you really don't like for me to leave the room.
You love to eat and you are eating more and more each day. And you love to eat anything that you can pickup and feed yourself.
You ate yogurt for the first time on July 9th.
You enjoyed a day at the Old and New Capitol on my birthday. I wore you in the Boba and you loved it!
You still only say dada for the most part, but I think sometimes you say "hey"...or it at least sounds like it.

Pictures from Delaney's Ninth Month

Sometimes to get stuff done, I have to put you in the Boba so that you will fall asleep.


1st trip to Maggiano's and you loved the bread.

You thought it was hilarious to smash your cheek into my face...

The sweetest face ever!

Worn out after watching fireworks for the first time.

Trying to crawl. I swore she would walk before she crawled.

Precious girl.

Playing on YaYa's bed...

Delaney LOVES playing with the basket under the coffee table.

Woohoo!!!!! We have a crawler!

Hello tooth #3 and tooth #4!

July 15th - My Birthday

Fun at the Capitol.

On the move...

Delaney Lou you have changed more this month than any other month since you've been born. You've been nonstop since the day you learned how to crawl and you were pretty busy even before that. You are the perfect 3rd child and so easy going...even with your little attitude. I continue to love you more and more each day and so does everyone else. Holding you while you sleep on my shoulder each night before I put you in your bed is one of the things that I will cherish forever. Even though you're constantly moving, you still seem to always have time for me and I LOVE it! Delaney Lou, you are our precious little girl and we all LOVE you more than you will ever know!

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