

June 25, 2015

Delaney Lou - 8 Months Old

Our sweet Delaney Lou turned eight months old last Wednesday and it's been an exciting month. She's moving more and more and growing so fast!

June 17, 2015 - 8 Months Old 

Delaney decided this month that she would rather try to eat her sticker than wear it, so it had to be put on the rocker behind her...

She really wanted to get on the floor and wouldn't get her mind off of that sticker...


All About You Delaney Lou...

I still don't know for sure what you weigh, but I sat you on the scale when we went for a follow up appointment for Ashton on 6/22/15 and I think it said 16 pounds 12 ounces (that was sitting up with clothes on)???
Size 3 diapers still fit and I think you'll be in them for a while longer.
You are still in the same size clothes too...some 3 month, some 6 month and even a few 9 month outfits.
Laying down is one of your least favorite things to do, but you're starting to learn how to crawl so that helps. You can push yourself up on all fours and you try really hard to move, but haven't quite figured it out. It's coming though and I think it will be really soon.
You LOVE to stand up only holding onto fingers and I call you Twinkle Toes.
I started sleep training you (mommy desperately needed sleep) on June 3rd and it only took 2-3 days and you were sleeping through the night. I still don't feel like I've caught up on all of my sleep, but it is definitely nice.
You babble all of the time and you said your first word. Of course it was Dada and he was so proud!
You have the best laugh ever.
You love to sit up in the grocery cart.
You still only have two teeth, but boy do you enjoy eating your food. You love watermelon and really dislike peas. You do really well with your pincer grasp and you're favorite may be eating your baby puffs.
You ate mashed potatoes for the first time on your 8 month birthday.
You do the cutest thing where you twirl your own hair or rub the top of your head when you nurse.
You kick your little legs when you get excited and I love it!
You've started staying in the nursery at church.
I think you're starting to wave to people and it's super cute.
You love swimming in the pool.
You HATE having your face wiped off. And I mean you really HATE having your face wiped!!!
You love playing with your toys on the floor and will even dump your basket out to get what you want.
You get tickled watching your sisters play and get so happy when they play with you.

Pictures from Delaney's Eighth Month

Delaney and MeeMee

May 26, 2015 - Your 1st time sitting up in the grocery cart. It didn't last long though because I forgot the cover and you were trying to eat it...gross.

Sweet Cheeks

You can tell you're a stinker by that grin on your face.

Daddy finally got a picture of your two little teeth.

Playing with your toys...


And trying to crawl...

Milk Coma

Those eyes! They're not brown, they're not green and this picture doesn't really show the true color, but I love them all the same. I think they are going to be hazel though.

You're favorite thing to do is stand and bounce.

Precious girl!


Instead of crawling she is going to plank.

Delaney and Nana

Wild Adventures fun...

Oh how I LOVE these sweet girls!

Sweet Sisters


Delaney and MeeMee

The gang having ice cream before we left to head home.

This little stiker had a late nap on the way home from Wild Adventures and stayed up playing until 11:15. On a side note, children must wear shoes to get on the carousel at Wild Adventures...even 7 month old babies that don't walk...

June 17, 2015

We met some friends at the bounce house in Thomasville for the girls to have some fun and Delaney enjoyed it too!

Delaney Lou you are a mover & a shaker and before long you're going to be moving even more. You light up the lives of everyone that comes in contact with you and I absolutely adore how precious you are! The way you laugh when you're happy and cry when you're mad are the things that make you YOU and I love ALL of your little ways. You continue to be a blessing in our lives and we all love you so much. Since the day I found out that I was pregnant with you, I have thanked God for letting me be your mommy and I continue to do so each day. I am so glad that He picked you for us and us for you! Mommy loves you my little Delaney Lou!

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