

May 26, 2015

Delaney Lou - 7 Months Old

Our sweet Delaney Lou turned seventh months old two Sunday's ago. I cannot believe how fast time is going by and I wish it would slow down.

May 17, 2015 - 7 Months Old

All About You Delaney Lou...

I'm not sure how much you weigh, but you are getting bigger and bigger each day.
You're still in size 3 diapers.
You can still wear some 3 month clothes and are also in some 6 or 6/9 month clothes. It really just depends on the outfit. Some fit and some are huge.
You love to sit up and definitely prefer it over laying down. You even want to sit up in the bath.
You roll and move all over the floor. You're not crawling, but you can move yourself forwards and backwards on your tummy.
You love standing.
Most of your naps take place on me or in the car seat, but I was able to get you to nap a few days in your crib.
Most nights consist of you waking up once, but you like to switch things up every once in a while and wake up more than that.
You had your first ER visit because you had croup.
You love to snuggle with me.
You have 2 teeth on the bottom and you know how to use them. You will bite any and everything! They are the cutest little things, but I have yet to be able to get a picture of them.
You love playing with your Sophie giraffe, teethers, soft books, taggie blanket (or anything with a tag on it) and your little blue elephant. 
You love bouncing in your jumparoo.
You do this cute little thing where you suck in your bottom lip.
You have the BEST cheeks and I kiss them all of the time!
Your eyelashes go on for miles.
You are not a fan of grass.
I think you're starting to recognize people that you know.
You went with me to work at KUMC MOPS for the first time and you didn't seem to mind that I was taking care of other babies too.
You're enjoying eating your baby food and I'm giving it to you more often now.
You look adorable in your highchair with the tray on.
You had your first bread stick from Olive Garden. PawPaw gave it to you (of course he asked first) and you LOVED it!

Here's a link to a video of Delaney bouncing in her jumparoo. Ignore me in the background...

Pictures from Delaney's Seventh Month

Look at those thighs! I LOVE them!!!

April 21, 2015
Your 1st bread stick.

You love to stick out your tongue.

Those lashes...

And those cute little toes.

One of your favorite toys.

You still love sleeping on your YaYa.

Delaney and Boppa

May 6, 2015
Your 1st time bouncing and you loved it!

You love your sissy. And she loves you too!

You're so cute when you sleep. This is how you put your face every single time. I try to move your hands and turn your head to the side, but you always end up back like this.

All tuckered out watching your cousins Crews and Jay Chase play baseball.

May 17, 2015 - St. Teresa Beach Weekend

Delaney Lou you are growing and changing way too fast and this past month flew by! You are the sweetest baby and your smile is contagious. People always comment on how adorable you are. You love me, your daddy and your sisters so much, but I think we may love you more. The past seven months with you in our lives has been nothing short of wonderful.

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