

January 23, 2015

Delaney Lou - 3 Months Old

The day Delaney turned two months old, she had surgery. The day she turned three months old, we drove to Clearwater and bought a minivan (yep...we're one of those families now). We like to do big things on her day.

We didn't get her three month pictures on the exact day since we were out of town, but I did get this adorable shot of her in the car.

January 17, 2015 - 3 Months Old

Our new car.

Delaney Lou - 3 Months 1 Day

All About You Delaney Lou...

You weigh 12 pounds 3 ounces with your clothes and a diaper on.
You finally moved up to size 1 diapers.
On December 20th when you were 2 months and 3 days old, you slept in your crib for the first time (it took a couple of days for you to get used to it, but you are fine now and you continue to be a great sleeper).
You are in 3 month clothes and I've been putting away the newborn stuff (insert sad face).
Your eyes are still light. Almost a gray color.
You love watching the TV.
You are super cute doing tummy time.
You are starting to like your play mat more and more.
You went down the slide for the first time at the park with YaYa.
You like to hold onto your rattle...and sometimes you hit yourself in the head with it.
You have definitely found your voice and it is the sweetest sound I've ever heard. You LOVE to coo, squeal and smile all of the time!
You like to take long naps on me during the day and I don't mind it at all.
Your daddy seems to do a better job of getting you to sleep and being able to put you down during the day than I do.
I kiss your neck or your cheeks and you get so tickled.
Your car seat is not your favorite place to be.
You do this cute thing that melts my heart where you turn your head and smoosh your cheek against mine when I'm holding you on my shoulder.

Delaney Lou, you are the perfect piece to our family and you bring me so much happiness. I could sit and stare at you all day long and never get tired of it. You amaze me with how much you have changed since you were born and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. I wish I could slow down the days and keep you little forever. My hope for you is that you will always know just how much you are loved!

Pictures From Delaney's Third Month

Sleeping in your bed for the very first time.

Look at those rolls. I LOVE them!

Ashton absolutely adores her little sister.

January 1, 2015
Going down the slide for the first time with YaYa.

The funny thing about this outfit is that Ashton wore it when she was 5 months old and you were wearing it at 2 months old.

January 13, 2015

You may hate me for these one day, but they are some of my favorite pictures!


PawPaw spent a few days with us and you love him so much. He could hold you and you would just talk and coo.

Sweet sisters.

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