

November 13, 2012

My Little Lady

I may sound like a broken record, but I cannot believe that my little girl is going to be 10 in just a few short months. Being her mom has brought me so much joy and I have cherished watching her grow and become the little lady that she is today...and she is truly a "little lady"! With that said, there is a moment that I want to remember forever and I just had to blog about it.
A couple of weeks ago, Kaylyn got her report card and it was perfect! She had all A's, all check marks and all E's in her special area classes. Trey and I do not give money for grades per say, but we do like to treat her to something that she really enjoys. It is normally a nice dinner out, but this time Kaylyn's treat ended up being a new pair of boots that she just had to have. The boots however were not just any boots...they were boots that zipped up the back and where the zipper is, it is pink. The significance of this is that I have a pair of boots that zip up the back and where the zipper is, it is red. And the only reason that any of this matters is that Kaylyn knew she and I were going to the Chris Tomlin concert and she was dead set on our outfits matching. She said that she would wear her skinny jeans and new boots and that I would do the same. I know the older that she gets, there will probably not be many moments like this, but for now, I will take them and make her the happiest little girl in the world by wearing matching outfits...or at least jeans and boots!
Me & My Little Lady
Our boots...

It is such a small thing, but it is a moment that I will cherish forever...


  1. And it's a "GREAT" moment to treasure. Oh, and by the way, I'll treasure these pictures because I'm ALMOST positive that the shirt Kaylyn has on is one I gave her for Christmas last year.

    Love you both and hope to see you soon.

  2. CUTE! Where'd you get those from?


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