

March 21, 2012

My Little Artist

I've been meaning to post this for days, but our week has been very hectic.  Between my dear friend's little boy having a horrible accident and now Kaylyn has strep throat, I've been a mess!

On a side note, we have a new little artist at our house :)  Over the weekend, Ashton decided that she LOVES to color.  On Saturday, we went to Hurricane Wings to eat and they give all of the kids crayons.  Ashton has never really paid that much attention to them (she is normally too busy messing with everything else that is on the table), but that day was different.  She wasn't interested in all of them, but only a yellow one.  She had it from the time they gave it to her until I had to get her ready for bed.  She held it in the car, carried it in Publix and everything.  Once we got home, she was content in her room with her yellow crayon and coloring book for what seemed like hours.  She would sit in one spot and color, then lay down and color, then move to a different spot and start all over.  At one point while sharing this cuteness on the phone with PawPaw (my dad) she even followed me in the kitchen and laid down on the floor to color some more.  On Sunday morning, I thought we were going to have to take the yellow crayon to church with us, but luckily I got it away from her.

Maybe yellow will be her favorite color...who knows?!


  1. Sorry to hear that Kaylyn is sick. Hope she is better by now or at least soon. Hope your friend's little boy (Ryan) is recovering without complications. Hugs and kisses to both girls.

  2. I hope she gets better soon too...this has not been a great way to spend her spring break. The doctor said she should feel better in 24-48 hours, so by Friday she should be good. Ryan is doing well and is actually at home. Thank you for your prayers!!!


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