

August 25, 2015

Delaney Lou - 10 Months Old

Delaney Lou turned 10 months old last Monday and boy has she been busy! She's so fast at crawling and she's even standing up without holding onto anything.

August 17, 2015 - 10 Months Old

It has continued to be a struggle taking her monthly pictures and I've completely given up on using the stickers, but what I got captures this little stinker's personality oh so well...

It takes the whole family to try to get a decent picture of this little stinker. If you could only see what we're doing to attempt to get her attention!?!

She'd much rather stand and attempt to crawl out of the chair...

I LOVE these!

All About You Delaney Lou...

I'm not sure how much you weigh, but I'm sure it's not much more than last month. You're still in the same size diapers (size 3) and the same size clothes (some 3 month, some 6 month and some 9 month).
On July 19th, Daddy had to lower your crib. You were starting to stand up and I was so scared you'd fall out and land on your head.
You had ice cream with PawPaw in Thomasville for the first time on July 21st and you loved it!
You try to do head stands and it's so funny.
Now that you crawl, you follow me all around the house and you're really fast too.
You get so tickled when I tickle you under your arms.
You love for someone to lay on the floor so that you can crawl all over them and the littlest things make you so happy.
You got your 5th tooth on July 28th. It's on top and the one to the left of the middles ones.
You are so sweet, but very hot tempered. Ashton always says "mama, do you see how red her eyebrows turn when she gets mad???"
You get into EVERYTHING, you chew on EVERYTHING and you eat EVERYTHING.
You ate grits for the first time at Coosh's on August 2nd and you loved them! You kept going mmmm... and wanting more.
You scream if someone takes something from you.
You have the cutest little grin when you show all of your teeth.
You can stand up without holding onto anything.
You love giving high fives...especially to your sisters.
You snort and it's the absolute funniest thing ever!
You know how to "talk" on your play phone.
You're still really good at shaking your head no, no.
You love for daddy to come out of the office and play peek a boo with you.
Your favorite spot to take a nap is still on my chest and I don't mind.
You wave bye bye when someone walks away.
You're getting better at staying in the nursery at church, but sometimes you still need your mama.
And, you've still NEVER had a bottle.

Pictures from Delaney's Tenth Month

At her 9 month check up on July 21st. There's nothing cuter than a naked baby.

Perfecting her head stand!


Sweet girl loves to swing.

And loves it even more when her sissy swings with her!

Delaney always thinks she's one of the big kids.

Trying on some cool shades with daddy.

So silly!


Such a girl...she already loves talking on the phone.

Still her favorite place to be...and I don't mind at all.


Having a tea party with sissy...

And eating everything!

Oh sweet Delaney! You continue to grow and change and become your own little person. You fill our lives with smiles, laughter and lots of "no, nos." You steal our hearts on a daily basis and we continue to love you more and more with each passing day! I cannot wait to see what next month brings us!!! 

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