Kaylyn had her gym meet this past Sunday. She has had one previously, but it was when she was much younger and she was not scored. She was very anxious to perform in front of so many people, but she did a wonderful job and placed second! We were all so proud of her and what she accomplished.
Kaylyn walking in with Coach Britney and some of her teammates.
First up was bars. This is probably Kaylyn's least favorite event, but she did great!
(I hate the her back is to me in all of these pictures, but that is the way they had them setup)
She even nailed her landing!
The second event was the beam. Kaylyn practiced and practiced all of her jumps and turns and did so well.
I love how focused she is.
Her dismount couldn't have been better.
She was pretty excited after the beam!
Floor Routine
So serious...
Now she smiles! I LOVE her little grin :)
Kaylyn with Coach Britney and her teammates.
Checking out her trophy.
For her first real meet, she did a wonderful job and placed second...or got silver.
We were so proud!
Kaylyn with Coach Lindsey (left) and Coach Britney (right). These two are awesome with all of the girls and Kaylyn has really enjoyed having them as coaches.
Ashton and Jay Chase (one of Kaylyn's cousins) were so cute cheering for Kaylyn the whole time. They were really excited to give her flowers.
Jay Chase was so proud of her! Aunt Darla was there too and somehow we didn't get a picture of her with Kaylyn, but she was very proud!
Kaylyn with Mr. Paul aka Boppa
(Mrs. Viza aka Grandma was missing due to a broken ankle that just happened on Friday. We promised her there will be other meets for her to come to and we videotaped it for her to see.)
Kaylyn with PawPaw
(My dad had been so sick since earlier in the week, but wasn't going to miss Kaylyn perform for anything in the world. He loves that little girl so much!!!)
Kaylyn and MeeMee
Us and our girl.
We are so proud of Kaylyn getting over her fears of performing and doing such a GREAT job at her meet! Our family is so blessed to have her as our daughter/sister/granddaughter/niece/cousin.
We love you Kaylyn!